The Difference Between Success & Failure

Close to successThe difference between success and failure is often extremely small.

I was thinking about our recent product launch – The Hangout Cash Code.  It’s a good product and we’ve made well over 450 sales in the first 2 weeks of our launch, and sales keep rolling in every day.

But I’ve got products that are equally as good that have made next to no sales!

Why is that?

The reasons are ridiculously simple.

I didn’t go the extra mile and let enough people know about the product and I didn’t make an ‘event’ out of the initial launch.

I’ve also discovered that WSO traffic is relatively poor quality – it’s much better to focus on good quality affiliate traffic – the higher initial EPC”s attract in more good-quality affiliates like bees to honey!

The plain truth is that affiliates are always looking for good products to promote to their customers.  Good products are those that convert well, have few refunds and add value to the affiliates relationship with their customers by promoting them.

They want to know whether you can actually add value to the lives of their customers.  In other words, that if you make a claim, such as ‘you can make $500 a day with this’, that you can actually back up your claim with evidence.  After all, they want to maintain a good relationship with their customers by introducing them to legitimate and valuable products.

If you have a product like this, then you simply need to let them know about what you have and be willing to be interviewed about it.  Also, to create an event or launch which they can promote.  This usually means a time-limited event offering a special price or an additional bonus during the launch period.

Letting affiliates know is comparatively easy – just go into the JV Forums on Facebook and post details of your product and the launch date.  Send them to a JV page or blog that has more details.  If they like what they see, they will contact you.

In the case of the bigger affiliates, they will want a face-to-face interview to get more details for their list, to humanise the offer and to offer a bonus for clicking on their affiliate link.  Also, they are letting the product creators, who know their own product best, do most of the selling.

It’s all so ridiculously simple but here’s the thing.  You actually have to do it!

I’ve also learnt quite a bit just watching how the super-affiliates conduct their business.  They use a very simple system and they use it consistently.

Making products, and not going the extra mile by marketing them, can be fatal to your wallet.  I know because that was what I was doing up until the launch of The Hangout Cash Code (- the initial launch period closes down in 7 days from now.)

The difference between success and failure can literally be the failure to take that extra step in your business – small things really do matter in business and can be the difference between wild success and abject failure.



4 Comments The Difference Between Success & Failure

  1. Sergio Felix

    Hey Mark, I agree completely with what you’ve just mentioned here.

    The marketing of the product is just as important as to actually creating the product or training.

    On my first formal release, two affiliates made the whole difference…

    They brought in about 70-80% of the total sales and that wouldn’t have happened if these guys didn’t emailed for me, that’s why relationships and being well connected is so important.

    Obviously, the product needs to be of top quality but the promotion side is ALSO part of the whole cycle of creating a product and selling it.

    Great thoughts man!


    1. Mark Salmon

      Yeah Sergio – I guess we had to learn the hard way but once learnt, never forgotten. Hope things are going well with what you are currently doing and thanks for dropping by!

  2. Rob Jordan

    Hi Mark
    Great post!
    This is all about perspectives for me. If I’ve learned one thing in delivery of any product or service it’s that once you are down in the detail and doing the work, if you don’t come back up for air and have a look around, you miss stuff. Sometimes the obvious stuff!
    I think we must remember not just to market out to our customers, but also around us to our peers, affiliates and other members of our network.
    Thanks for sharing valuable insight.

    1. Mark Salmon

      Thanks for popping by Rob – I agree that you need to market to all key relationships because ‘hiding our light under a bush’ is not going to work for us. Self-promotion comes hard to me but it’s they only way that you get the opportunity to help more people so it has to be done sometimes.


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