Start Small – End Big

Start small

How to start small and end big

Part 1 – Starting Small

Seriously, I see people so focused on making a million dollars tomorrow or their next big $10,000 campaign . . but they haven’t made a penny in the last 30 days.

If that’s the case with you, the question is: ‘what are you doing TODAY to make $10?’

Or $100, whatever your next step is.

–> Even if you have no list, could you:

  • post a $1 manual you wrote on Facebook and 10 people buy?
  • could you post a $10 manual on Facebook and only one person buys?
  • could you offer a full hour of coaching for $10 on Facebook, how many people would take you up on it?

Now, I can hear you now, well, I don’t want to work for $10 an hour.

But the thing is, right now, if you are working 30 hours a week online and making say $100 a week or less . . .you are only making $3 an hour right now.

And if you have no products and aren’t selling anything you are making $0 an hour . .

Why not start at $10 an hour and then next week raise to $15 an hour, then the next week raise to $20 an hour and so on?

Why not hold a live training next week for $10 and tell everyone you know on Facebook, LinkedIn, Warrior forum or anywhere else people are hanging out online?

Seriously, what can you do TODAY to put an extra $10 in your account?

Part 2 – Getting Bigger
Now, I want to push harder.

What can you do in the next 2 days to tell 100 people about your offer?

What if you posted it on Facebook, on LinkedIn, YouTube, or any one of the other zillion places online?

What if you offered a $10 coaching gig, or a $10 eBook, or a $10 live class and for one weekend, instead of sending folks to your squeeze page, you sent them to the sales page for your $10 offer?

How many buyers could you get on your list this weekend?

I know, I know, you don’t want to work so hard for $10.

But unless you are already making much more than that . . . isn’t it better to start at $10 than to keep hoping some system will get to you a zillion?

And by the way – that’s the thing . . .when you sell at a price that is believable for YOUR impact in your niche right now . . .which is low when you are starting out – you make more sales.

Sean Mize said:

‘I remember my first year in business, when I got to where I was selling around 400 eBooks a month at . . $9.77. Just shy of $4k in revenue . . and each time I released a new one, my buyers bought . . .’

What would happen if you made it your 2-day goal to make as many $10 sales as possible?

What would you do to make that happen?

Part 3 – Ending Big
Once you start building a buyers list you have the ability to make additional income from:

  • selling more products created by you
  • earning affiliate commissions from recommending other peoples products that you use and recommend.

Create a good relationship with the buyers on your list through email marketing by offering both free and premium information – this is the standard internet marketing model and you can start with making the first sale of just $10.

You should also add additional products into your upfront sales funnel i.e. after the $10 sale offer a higher priced complementary product.  Split test your sales pages to optimize conversions and add additional products into your sales funnel.

Also, explore additional sources of traffic and keep scaling your ‘$10 business’.

This is how you start small and end big.

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