Self-Publishing Books For Passive Income

I was alerted to the profit potential of self-publishing books when I met Christine Clayfield at the KISS 2 seminar on 19th October 2013.

I already knew about Christine – I had bought her eBook ‘From Newbie to Millionaire’ off the Warrior Forum some time ago.  This book is around 500 pages and is all about internet marketing.  For several years it has ranked in the top 3 for the keyword ‘Make Money Online’ on Amazon – and that’s a very, very competitive keyword!!

However, Christine has been concentrating on self-publishing books over the last 3 or 4 years and is now making 7 figures.

I had no idea that there was so much money to be made from self-publishing books.  She now has around 70 books published with many more in the pipeline.

Each book averages around £2,261.50 per month or £27,138 per annum, some less, some more.

With just 10 books, you can make £271, 380 per year and with 20 books £542,760 per year with Christines system.  Her self-publishing system is different in that she creates multiple formats and publishes worldwide.

Christine outsources the writing of each of her books for around $500 and pays up to $500 for the sales letter.  Apart from this, the costs of distribution are around $54 including purchase of the ISBN number and uploading the book and cover.

The skill is in coming up with an idea and doing the keyword research to ensure that there is demand and that you can compete for top spots in Amazon and elsewhere.

The big difference between her course and the other book publishing courses you can buy, is that she literally gets worldwide distribution in most major outlets where you can buy books both online and offline!

Christine has created a comprehensive video course (over 23 hours of content) showing her exact step-by-step system.  Once completed, she does nothing more and the income from her books just come rolling in.

In fact so successful has she been, she is now translating her books into many languages for even more income potential.

A Great Passive Income Opportunity

I have to tell you that before I met Christine, I had no intention whatsoever of going into self-publishing because I didn’t think there was enough money in it compared to my information marketing model.

She has convinced me otherwise and the fact that it is a real passive-income opportunity makes it very appealing i.e. you do the work once and continue to get income rolling in for years to come without lifting another finger.

Whilst I cannot get moving on self-publishing my own books in the short-term, because of other work commitments, I nevertheless bought her course (along with many of the other attendees on the KISS 2 seminar) so that I can dig into this opportunity when I have more time.

If you would like more information about this, then here’s the link to her sales page:

P.S. On a personal note, I really liked Christine – I had the opportunity to speak to her personally at length in the bar.

She had a very difficult life up until around the age of 30 (when her first husband beat her into a coma.)  This difficult start to the first half of her life has made her a person who is very driven to succeed.  This is why her course is so comprehensive – she wants to give us the best product and service she is able to to valid her own success and self-worth.  It is rare for someone to show you their complete system on how to make money online from self-publishing books, so I highly recommend that you tuck this one away!

2 Comments Self-Publishing Books For Passive Income

  1. adam

    Hey mark,

    i just wondered did you ever implement christines self publishing system and did you make any money from it?

    1. Mark Salmon

      Hi Adam, I have been so busy with my other products – I am launching another one on Hangouts on 1st August – that I haven’t got around to implementing this yet. I have met Christine in person and think that this is a genuine system and opportunity. I have around 15 – 20 e-books already but I would need to start from scratch with her system as she bases everything around SEO and keyword research to get the maximum sales for her books. I will definitely be using her system in the future because I have satisfied myself that she is the real deal and she likes to over-deliver (- she has had problems with self-esteem because of her early upbringing) – the only barrier is that there is something like 23 hours of training to plough through first!!! The other aspect to her system is how she literally gets her books into every worldwide outlet possible for maximum coverage – not just Kindle or Amazon.


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