Building Your Business in 2017

Building Your BusinessThinking about building your business in 2017?

It’s different for different folks, depending on what you already have in place.

If you do not have a clear picture of who you are going to help and how you are going to help them, the most important thing you can do to build your business in 2017 is:

–> to clarify your purpose, who you are going to help, and how you are going to help them
(Selling stuff you don’t care about to people you don’t care about, doesn’t count.)

If you have a solid picture of who you are going to help, the most important thing you can do to build your business is:

–> build a list of people who are the people you want to help

If you have a solid picture of who you want to help AND you have a list of people you can help, the most important thing you can do to build your business is:

–> Find out how you can help them best and get paid for it, and start helping.

That might mean:

  • a free layer (daily email, blog posts, youtube videos),
  • paid layer (like $97 – $997 training programs, a membership) and /or
  • a coaching layer (coaching program, mastermind program, etc)

So . . .based on where you are at in the 3 – phase process of building your business, do YOU need to:

1) figure out who you can help them most

2) build a list

3) build a 3 layer delivery system

This is the way to start building your business in 2017! And a Merry Christmas to all my readers.

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