This Question Could Make You Millions

Ask this questionThis question could make you millions – I pinched this from a thread on the Warrior Forum.

If you let it… trying to make money online can be confusing.

Okay, that’s too mild.

If you don’t have a solid plan, it can drive you F**KING nuts!

Believe me, been there, done that, bought the Teespring t-shirt.

So, after 17 years online and multiple millions sold of my own
stuff, and for clients… I try to keep things simple as can be.


Cause simple gets implemented. Simple gets you to take action.

Simple means you can test and track. Simple means you can make
fast changes and see how it turns out.

Simple is just, well, simpler when it comes to making money online.

And the ONE simple question that I ask myself, every single day
I’m online… and it’s probably helped me more than anything else
I’ve done?

“How can I add value to the MOST amount of people today”.

That’s it.

When I break down everything I do, each and every day,
my mission is pretty much the same.

“How can I help the greatest amount of people”.

When you ask yourself THAT one question… when you
use THAT as your “guiding light” or “North star”…

It makes it easier to decide what you need to do, if you want
to make the most money.

Now, I will say this is a pretty general statement. I get it.

And honestly, it doesn’t work each and every time.

For example, if you offer high ticket coaching, then maybe
your goal ISN’T to help the most people.

Maybe you just need to help a handful… and when you do,
you make a lot of money.

But, you still have to add a lot of value to those people.

The 2 biggest keys to making it online?

Value and scale.

Work on getting those 2 things handled, and you’ll
make a killing.

Not sure what to use for traffic?

Which source will allow you to reach the most people
with your message?

What do you offer for a lead magnet?

Again, what can you give away, to the most people,
that will help them and add value to their lives?

What can you offer, for a product or service, that
will help people solve a problem, reach a desire, or
get what they want.

That one question…

“How can I add value to the MOST people” is
responsible for creating more millionaires and
billionaires than any other.

Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook…

You name it, there’s a good chance they
add value to a lot of people at once.

Movie stars, rock stars, athletes…

ALL add value to a lot of people at once.

So if you ever find yourself stuck online, and
you’re not sure what to do… maybe asking yourself
that same question I ask myself each day…

“how can I add value to the most people today”…

That may make it a little easier to determine what
you need to do in order to get your online business
where you want it…

Answering this question may yield more than one idea.  The additional tip I want to add to this article is… don’t be tempted to do more than one thing at a time.

It is a proven fact that multi-tasking does not work – particularly for men!!  Prioritise your actions and just do one thing at a time until you have completed the task and then move onto the next task.

The next tip I have is that it is easy to live your life thinking about past events or dreaming about the future.  However, the only reality is the present moment.

If you can work in the moment (sometimes described as ‘being in the flow’), totally absorbed by your current activity, this is the source of ultimate creativity.  You can tap into subconscious knowledge that you probably never knew you had.

We are all capable of adding value to someone else’s life.  We all know things that other people would like to know.  We all have skills that might help someone else.  We all have thoughts that could turn someone else’s life around – even if you are just promoting someone else’s content that you found helpful (as I am doing in this article).

I would also add that when ‘adding value’, don’t just think about quantity.  I sometimes find that big products that take a lot of time to consume are unhelpful to me as I get distracted and move on before I can consume the whole thing.  I would much prefer a shorter, high quality piece of content or training that has been boiled down to the essentials that I can consume in one sitting!

Sometimes simplifying someone else’s training would be a great way to add value or perhaps converting it into a different format or media e.g. text to video or vice versa.

Do you think asking yourself this question could make you millions?  The only way to know is to try it out!

Email – The Entire Marketing Strategy

marketing strategyI received an email from Tony Shepherd (one of my favourite marketers to follow) – it was entitled ‘The Entire Marketing Strategy’.  What a great subject line – it is difficult not to open an email with that subject line.  This is what he said:

Did you know that the term ‘Hooker’ for a lady of the night actually originated with US Civil War General Joseph Hooker, who brought working girls along on military campaigns for his men.

Or that during the Great Depression people were so broke they often made clothes out of potato sacks and seeing this, the potato distributors made their sacks more colourful to help people remain at least somewhat fashionable.

Why am I telling you this?

Because it’s daft content like this that sets my open rates among some of the best of any other marketers I know.

It might not be relevant to online business although it often is.

But it’s engaging.

And if you keep your readers engaged and then follow up with relevant IM content you’ll make thousands of dollars a month.

Whoops – just gave away my entire marketing strategy 🙂

I think this is why he is just a handful of marketers whose emails I open – they are always entertaining to read and laced with great marketing advice.

The other reason that Tony is so successful is that he is very down-to-earth and authentic in the way he writes and I instinctively like people like that.

This is his entire marketing strategy and it seems to work – perhaps it might for you too?  (Did the picture of the naked lady make you open this article?)

No Products = Nothing to Sell = No Revenue


No Products = Nothing to Sell = No Revenue – I received a email from Sean Mize with this headline.

Frankly, that subject line says a lot . . .not all, but a lot!

So often I see folks who are struggling to get their business going online and make money and I see them doing all of kinds of things well-meaning (hopefully) gurus have told them to do . . .

  • like run facebook traffic
  • do click flipping
  • buy and sell things

And then those things don’t work and you get stuck surfing, reading emails, and generally getting lost . . .

But it all comes down to basic economics:

in order to make money, you have to sell something to someone

Reminder: no products = nothing to sell = no revenue

What is your solid plan for creating products to sell and telling the right prospects about them?

(Yes, that’s part 2: you need a list of people who desperately need help and build a relationship with them so that they trust you enough to buy your products)

So many people get half of this equation right – either half – and never make a penny because they don’t have the other half.  (Truth be told, I mastered the craft of creating products long before I mastered the ability to send targeted traffic to them!  It took a long time for me to wake up to the truth that simply creating products was not enough to succeed!)

Making money online is essentially very simple – having something valuable to sell and sending people who will appreciate that value to a page that offers them an opportunity to buy it.

It is better that the ‘something’ you sell is your own product but it doesn’t have to be.  It can be an affiliate product.

In both cases, you should aim to capture the buyers email address so that you can continue to offer further value to your customer.  A buyers email address can be worth much more than the initial sale if you nurture the relationship properly.

So the two essential skills of internet marketing are:

  1. mastering at least one traffic source (preferable a paid source that is scale-able) and
  2. conversions i.e. creating or sourcing valuable products and services, copywriting, sales funnels and other conversion skills like list building, email marketing, re-targeting, creating scarcity etc.

One thing is for certain, if you have no products and nothing to sell, you’ll have no revenue.  If you have a product and send targeted traffic to your offer page, you might just find you are in business!

Announcing ‘Easy Actions’ – My New Product

Photoshop ActionsI have been working on a new product – it’s called Easy Actions – which is all about using Photoshop Actions to make stunningly beautiful graphics.

In this article I want to cover:

  • why this product is important
  • what it does
  • how you can do it
  • where and when you can get it

Why Easy Actions is Important

In his book, The Brutal Truth, John Reese says “Mediocre graphics no longer cut it, you must use beautiful top-notch design (no exceptions).  The days of ugly websites that make a lot of money are over.

If you don’t know who John Reese is, he is reputed to be the first internet marketer to make a million dollar product launch.  He has gone on to incredible success as a consultant for other businesses.  When he says something, I listen.

The internet, and websites in particular, are a very visual medium – we make an instant assessment about a website from how it looks, even before we start reading the content.  Whilst the quality of content is critically important, so too is the packaging of your content.

When I first got into internet marketing in April 2009, graphics were a problem for me.  I was very afraid of infringing copyright and inadvertently did so.

I wrote an article on avatars and used an image from the film Avatar to illustrate my article.  It was stupid, I know but I little thought anyone would take any notice of my little website at the time.  I was offering free advice and therefore I was not really making any money from the article.

Suffice it to say that I soon received a threatening take-down email – for a while I thought I might be involved in legal action.  It was a harsh lesson that I won’t forget in a hurry.

So for a number of years, the graphics on my site were pretty uninspiring because I could not source good graphics without spending money.

In the meantime, I gradually learnt to use Macromedia Fireworks (which was bundled in with a copy of Dreamweaver that I had been given many years before) to edit images and to this day I still use this software for simple edits.

I’d heard about Photoshop but the cost of around $700 seemed too expensive and I didn’t fully understand what advantage would accrue to me by investing in it.

So for a long time I stuck with Fireworks.

What Easy Actions Does

Over the years I have bought a number of graphics packages – some of these included Photoshop Actions.  These Actions were for marketing graphics – things like e-covers and mock-ups. I was intrigued by these and managed to get hold of an old copy of Photoshop CS5.Easy Actions

Eventually I managed to run one of these Actions – the very first time I used it I was instantly hooked, even though I was frustrated by how complex all the tools seemed.   A simple task like importing an image seemed less than intuitive in Photoshop.

For a while my usage of Photoshop was confined to running Photoshop Actions for marketing graphics until one day I stumbled upon Actions that can create works of art out of Photographs.   These Actions have transformed my ability to create stunning graphics from quite ordinary photographs.

The power of Actions gradually led me into using Photoshop more and more for creating and editing images.  Now I am a full convert.

There are loads of free and low-cost graphical editors available today but, with the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had tackled Photoshop a lot earlier – in my opinion it is the one and only choice of graphics editor principally because of Actions.

These are ‘scripts’ that run automated processes on top of a photograph that can instantly transform it into a sketch, watercolour, oil painting, poster and many other stylised forms at the push of a button.

When you add in the power of Photoshop brushes and styles and some of the other powerful tools within Photoshop, nothing else comes even close to Photoshop in my experience.

I see Photoshop Actions as a great way to start using Photoshop as Actions do 95% or more of the heavy-lifting and you can get an instant result at the push of a button which encourages you to go on and learn more about manipulating and tweaking that result.

Photoshop can now be acquired for around £10 per month which makes it affordable for everyone.

My product Easy Actions is a great introduction to Photoshop Actions – once you get started, I anticipate that users will soon be ‘hooked’ by the power and scope of what they can achieve i.e. creating beautiful stylised images from ordinary photos.

Salmon line-art with trans backgroundHow You Can Do It With Easy Actions

In Easy Actions I go into my sources of copyright free images – there are 2 or 3 principal sources.

I then show how to open an image in Photoshop, load an Action script and then run the Action.

I then demonstrate some simple edits using several different types of Action as case studies.  You can literally watch over my shoulder as I create my images.

I believe anyone will be able to do this in less than 60 minutes from start to finish.

However, you will want to then get into more advanced editing on Photoshop so I have given an optional extra of 41 videos that go through all the tools of Photoshop and how to use them.  This is a one-time-offer for those that want to go a step further.

As an additional offer, I am also offering very low-cost coaching so I can cover new Actions as they come onto the market and advanced Photoshop techniques.  I also hope to get guest contributions from cutting edge designers over time as the membership increases.

How To Get Easy ActionsEasy Actions

I am planning to launch Easy Actions as a Warrior Special Offer via JVZoo at 3 p.m. GMT on Friday 3rd July 2015 for 7 days only on a dime-sale.

My hope is that I can work this product into my flagship offering so I can spend more time on Photoshop which is something of a passion for me.

I also want to sell my images as printables on Etsy and also to offer a ‘done-for-you’ service.  So there are plenty of options for monetising my skills and to fund ongoing investment into buying more Photoshop Actions.

So look out for the Easy Actions Launch on or around 10th July – hopefully it will take-off like a rocket.

Watch Me Create A PLR Video Sales-letter

In this video you can watch me create a PLR video sales-letter in front of your eyes.

This product is one of 60 PLR products I am setting up in a membership site at

I am converting the sales letter from HTML to WordPress.

You are watching this in real time – 5 to 6 minutes:

  • I first set up the WordPress page template
  • I then edit the HTML sales letter in an editor
  • I then copy the raw page to WordPress
  • I then edit the page in WordPress and add graphics
  • I then add in the video code
  • I then publish the page and show you the page
  • My next steps will be to add this product into my membership software and add the payment button code

I hope you enjoy watching me create a PLR Video Sales Letter that will go live shortly at!

62 Video Training Products

Video Training Products

Here’s a list of 62 video training products that I am in the course of setting up.  I have set up 40 products so far so I have 22 still to go!

Each product includes between 7 and 11 training videos and some of them include audio, Powerpoint slides, transcriptions and more.

What I Will Do With These Video Training Products

  • Sell each product individually
  • Bundle related products together into unique packages
  • Put them into the back-end of my sales funnels
  • Offer a monthly recurring membership with one training drip-fed each week
  • Offer as a bonus on affiliate promotions
  • Add these trainings into my coaching programme
  • Pick and mix training bundles

As you can see these video training products are all related to the internet marketing niche, including some covering services to offline businesses (- click on the image to enlarge it): Product List


You can purchase access to these 62 video training products either individually or collectively at

List Building With Kindle

Kindle ebookHave you ever considered list building with Kindle?  I’ve just read about this strategy and it sounds very interesting to me because the KDP Select program gives you the ability to enroll your books in a Free Book Promotion i.e. Amazon will get the traffic for you.

If you include links to your squeeze page inside your ebook then you will be able to build a list of people interested in the topic in your book.  For example, you could offer a bonus tip or a video tutorial in the book for people who sign up to your list.

As your ebook can be only 2,500 words long, it would be relatively easy to build up a library of books on Kindle.

If you also made all your books in a related niche, you could also cross-sell your other books to existing customers.

Once you have enough books on Kindle, you could be earning a very nice passive income from Kindle.

You may even pre-launch your book in a Forum like the Warrior Special Offers Forum before transferring the book to Kindle so you get access to two market places.  (To enable you to charge a little more on the Warrior Forum, you could include the additional bonus content mentioned above because the reader is already on your list, thereby making your book more complete and valuable.)

All the tools for creating and launching this strategy are essentially free if you use a text editor like Google Docs or Open Office.  Kindle includes a cover creator so you are golden from start to finish!

I am definitely going to try this strategy as I have a lot of ebooks that I have written on my hard disc.

My strategy will be to use the inch-wide/mile-deep strategy in creating my ebooks.

You may be thinking that you couldn’t possibly write a book.  If this is you, then why not head over to a PLR site, buy a PLR book and then totally rewrite the content to make it your own.

Alternatively, buy several books on the topic and mash up the content, or indeed head over to Ezine Articles and research your content there.

Or how about taking some of your blog posts and mashing up a book from content that you have already written – a little bit of editing and you could quickly create something very valuable for others to consume – particularly if you plan your blog content in advance so that a series of blog posts creates a coherent whole.

Using a mind-map to map out the structure of your content is a quick way to sort out your chapter headings and the points to be covered in each chapter.

(WARNING: Do not be tempted to use PLR content, or plagiarize other peoples content, which has not been radically altered, on Kindle!  You must make your book unique and original!)

If you could pump out one book a day, then you would quickly build traffic to your squeeze page whilst at the same time earning cash from your book sales.

Once you have built up a whole series of books, you would then be able to create one large book – a compendium of your micro-ebooks – and sell that on Amazon.

List building with Kindle is a great strategy for aspiring internet marketers.

Easy Ways To Create Valuable Content

Here are some easy ways to create valuable content.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of ideas – for example, you can take content already on your hard disk and just remodel it. However, I have copied this infographic from Copy Blogger as a useful reminder to me that there are many easy ways for creating valuable content or for coming up with content ideas for my readers.

If you do any sort of podcasting for example, you could easily use this infographic as the basis of a very informative podcast.
Ways To Create Valuable Content

Web Designer Occupational Hazards


Work With Your Client

In this article I want to discuss web designer occupational hazards.  This is prompted by the fact that I have just completed a difficult project that measurably increased my blood pressure by 30 points.

Right at the planning stage of the website we established the colour scheme that we proposed to use.  Having completed the website, a flyer, a business card and various other marketing collateral, I was then informed by my customer that her mother had inadvertently changed the whole colour scheme by ordering the shop signage etc in a different colour of green!

I hate having to do the same job twice, particularly when the work involved is boring and a waste of my time!  Hence, the rise in my blood pressure!

I regard myself as a digital artist and I took great care in selecting the colour scheme – to have it completely overturned directly impacts on the pride and care I take in my design work.  I take satisfaction in the artistry of my work and I don’t do it just for money like an ordinary labourer.   I do it because I want to create something of beauty.

Anyone can throw up a website but not everyone can create something that is aesthetically pleasing.  This takes skill and hard work to achieve.

Truth to tell, I don’t create many website for other people and this is why.  I want to retain full control over the artistic integrity of my work.

Also, having studied this stuff for literally years, I am the expert!  I don’t mind constructive feedback but the final decision as to what, and what does not, work must remain with me.  Otherwise, why employ me at all?

In fact, if my client imposes restrictions upon me and my creativity, I would prefer that they find another web designer because ultimately I am responsible for the end result.

This does not mean to say that I should not keep my client fully informed and involved in the process of building their website.  On the contrary, communication and asking for feedback is critical.  It would be disastrous to work in a bubble without communicating with the client, only to find that the final product is not fit for purpose!

One of the problems with web design is that everyone has an opinion and everyone thinks they have some level of expertise just because it is a visual medium.   It is therefore very easy to keep finding things that you would like ‘to tweak’.  I don’t mind tweaking if this is on the clients own time i.e. that they are paying me for the extra work.  For this reason, it is important that there is provision for only limited revisions in the initial contract to build the website.  After these revisions have expired, then the client needs to pay for any additional revisions.

With regards to completion deadlines, it is always better to under promise and over-deliver.   Don’t accept work where the deadline is difficult to meet.  One customer showed me a quote for a 5 page website from another web designer when negotiating the initial price for the web site, little realising that by having an ecommerce store they would need many more than 5 pages – it turned out to be 17 pages!

Failure to realise exactly what you are taking on can lead to the setting of unrealistic deadlines for completion.  Better to walk away from the job than find yourself having to absorb a penalty for late completion of the site!

At the outset of accepting a commission to build a website, you really need to agree the following:

  • a plan for the scope of the work.  This includes, what the client has to do and by when as well as what you the web designer has to complete.  The client to understand that failure by them to meet their deadlines may impact on the website completion date.
  • Within the project plan, agree interim milestones.
  • These milestones are ideal points for asking for and accepting feedback – agree how this feedback will be given – email phone and/or meeting.
  • Advise the client of your working hours and when it is best to contact you.  Design work is difficult – particularly if you get interruptions – for this reason, I like to block out my peak working hours so I can work uninterrupted and my client should respect this.
  • Agree a budget for carrying out the work and the rules for making payment
  • Understand the clients expectations and deadlines – manage these appropriately.  If their expectations are unrealistic, explain why and explore these until a mutually acceptable compromise can be agreed.  It is better to hammer this out at the start rather than half way through the project.
  • Understand and agree, who owns what i.e. the license details and conditions.
  • Agree the scope of website revisions and communicate when these revisions are being utilised so the client understands that they will face more cost if the persist in additional revisions outside the scope of the contract.

These conditions are there to protect both you and the client, so do not be shy about discussing them and the consequences that apply if they are not observed.

These are just a few of the web designer occupational hazards – oh and high blood pressure, of course!

Josh Bartletts 10-Step Process

Josh BartlettI’ve just been listening to a podcast by Josh Bartlett in which he revealed his 10-step process for creating his products.

Josh is a very successful internet marketer and has created two highly successful products:

He was formerly an Ebay Power Seller but gave up this business model to create software and he has a team of talented software engineers working for him although he says that he does not have a lot of coding experience himself.

This is the 10 step process that he recommends:

  1. Pick a niche about which you are passionate
  2. Research the niche and offer as much value as you can before you begin to sell anything
  3. Make a high-quality free product and then ask your prospects to answer a short survey – incentivise them to complete the survey with a relevant prize – preferably physical as this has higher perceived value
  4. You will see a pattern from the survey – research the answer to the main problem and build a product to solve the problem
  5. Follow up and offer more free value BEFORE you release your product to show that you do things to a higher level
  6. Release your paid product to your list of people who opted into your freebie and listen to their feedback
  7. Recruit them as affiliates for your product and educate them about how they can make money with your product
  8. Use those affiliates to do a full launch
  9. Follow up with great after-sales care
  10. PROFIT

What came though in the podcast is that Josh has a desire to offer genuine value – his podcast is called Beyond The Hype – and his attention to customer service which is beyond what most marketers offer.

So his business model has integrity – he create a limited few products based upon careful market research, listens to feedback to improve his offering and offers exceptional customer care to make them the best in the marketplace.

Speaking personally, I was eager to purchase Audello based upon my buying experience of Easy Video Suite – both of these are high-ticket products but price is never a factor if you receive value and greater customer service – I am sure you agree!

Josh Bartlett’s 10-step process has a lot of integrity built into it and it has been highly profitable for him.  You can listen to Josh’s full story here.

Email Swipe Generator

Email Swipe Generator is a new product that is being launched shortly by two of my fellow coaching students – Daniel Madeira and Scrembo.  Their expertise is in solo ads and email marketing.

They commissioned me to set up a membership site for them and to integrate the site with JVZoo so you can look forward to this launch shortly.

Here is a snap shot of the website before content is added to it (- I created the graphics):

ESG Website

Productivity Made Simple

Productivity Made SimpleProductivity Made Simple was launched last Friday and whilst the sales letter and upsell offer converted very well, the product simply failed to attract a lot of traffic or attention in the market place.

The product was about the fact that knowledge doesn’t change results unless you take action on it.  We show our customers how to put in place strategies for taking more action in order to get better results!

Whilst we have made a bunch of sales, the revenue returns are simply not enough to compensate for the amount of effort that we put into this product.  We priced this product low and gave away most of the revenue to affiliates to entice them to promote for us.

Whilst Productivity Made Simple has some great content within it, most people buying info products are looking for a ‘quick fix’ rather than ‘climbing the steep hill’ of building a real business.

This is a big learning point.

I have had a tendency to try to over-deliver.  Whilst this is a commendable trait it also has certain drawbacks:

  • it takes me longer to create and launch the product
  • the products become too big which makes them harder to consume
  • the product needs to match the price – I can’t sell content for $7 that others sell for $97 or $297 – this a fast way to go out of business.  (It also, reflects on the perceived quality of the product.)

I also have a tendency to help others without asking for payment.  Again a commendable trait but it slows me up with my own work.  For example, I spent 2 hours on Saturday trying to help a friend to fix his sales funnel.

Creating ‘Productivity Made Simple’  got me thinking about my own productivity.  To speed up I need to:

  • create one problem, one solution at one sitting type of products
  • that take about an hour to consume
  • with a very simple funnel
  • and a simplified delivery system (we have been using Optimize Press 2 – whilst it creates a lovely looking site it is very slow to work with!)
  • the whole process of product creation needs to be systemized and templatised.
  • maintain focused on my own work.

The other critical factor in product creation is support.  The support desk can be a significant time-suck, particularly if there are technical problems.   The more complex the product is, the more support tickets you can expect which is another argument in favour of simplicity.

We also need to be surveying the market to find out what the market wants.   For example, video products are currently very popular as recently video type products have been on JVZoo’s best-seller list.

Shakespeare said:
[boxibt style=”gray”]“To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first.” [/boxibt]

Only by taking action and failing many times do we ultimately learn our craft.

The positives to be taken from Productivity Made Simple are:

  • more careful planning is required – to scope the product, research the market place and to keep the product focused i.e. to avoid scope creep.
  • a system for product launches is required so that ultimately some of the work can be safely outsourced and to increase productivity
  • we actually completed and launched the product – the product is available as a bonus for other products etc.
  • I learned that there is smart and effective productivity and how easy it is to become a ‘busy fool’!

I am pleased about the quality of the Productivity Made Simple product that we created but it took us a month to create which was really far to long so I take this thought into creating our next product on sales funnels.

As Henry Ford said – ‘Failure is just an opportunity to begin again more intelligently.’  We didn’t exactly fail with Productivity Made Simple but it is now time to begin again more intelligently!



Niche Cash Machine Blueprint by Chris Ferrante

This week I have helped Chris Ferrante by setting up the membership site for Niche Cash Machine Blueprint.

Chris is a fellow coaching student of  Marc Milburn and he created the content for this product last year.  I reviewed the content then and thought that it was good material and it has taken a long time for Chris to package the product.

Chris is based in New York and that is what I love about my job – being able to do business with people from all parts of the globe.  I currently have a client in Thailand, one in the Caribbean as well as in the UK.  Iam also creating a product with Chris Cole based in Northern Ireland.  It doesn’t really matter as long as they speak English and we can agree a mutually convenient time to liaise online.

From my conversations with Chris Ferrante, it is clear that his technical skills are somewhat limited but even so he has managed to ‘hack’ his way to creating his product by outsourcing the pieces that he can’t do.  I think this is a smart way to start because acquiring the skills can be a long process – it has taken me over 5 years to get to this point.

I’ve also added in some useful plugins to his site to make it function nicely – you only know which ones to add from experience.  (Just as I had to add the ‘Advanced Image Styles’ plugin to this site today in order to put a border around the image below – a function that was removed from the visual editor with WordPress version 3.9!)

Here is a sneak peak of the members area for this product:

Niche Cash Machine BluePrint


In addition to creating the members area, I added all the content into the site – the content is served off Amazon S3 for blazing fast delivery.  There are 6 video modules in each of the core training and advanced training and 4 or 5 bonuses.  In addition, there are 3 membership levels in the funnel.

If you would like me to help you to package and launch your product, here’s my page promoting this service.

Hopefully Chris is now a big step closer to launching this product so keep a look out for Niche Cash Machine Blueprint by Chris Ferrante.

The No Cost Income Stream

Yesterday I purchased a reseller package of 89 videos called The No Cost Income Stream.  These tutorials basically outline 5 models for making money online without investing money.

They came supplied with a professionally written sales page and download page.  It appealed to me because it is what most people are looking for in the ‘make money online’ niche.

However, a download page for videos really sucks – particularly when there are 89 of them!  So I have decided to create a video playlist for each model and put these onto a membership site to improve the presentation of the material.

I have a membership site clone set-up for fast deployment of membership sites – it is almost easier to than setting up a download page and certainly enables you to cross-promote your other products and services better.

The 5 No Cost Income Stream models are:

  • Product Launch
  • Freelancing
  • Video Marketing
  • List Building
  • Affiliate Marketing

In addition there are video tutorials covering 16 free traffic methods.

Here is a snapshot of the front of the membership site:

NCIS Website 500 x 350

These are high quality videos made by a partnership of 3 x 7-figure marketers.  I paid $37 for the package of videos and I’m selling access to the tutorials for $37 – so just one sale will recoup my out-of-pocket investment.

I’ve converted the sales letter onto a WordPress page with an exit pop-up that offers access to each model for $9.95 in order to maximise sales.  Seperating the models like this gives me a number of options for marketing each of the models as a separate product.

I’ve also created the website header, video splash image and variors images for marketing the product.

The first module of 30 videos is in place and the rest are being uploaded to Amazon S3 today – 89 videos represent a lot of work, particularly as I had to download each one off the download page.  The videos were uploaded to Amazon S3 via Easy Video Suite.

Here are a few more details:

1) What is the course all about?

Eric, Paul, and Jeff aka the Real Guys wanted to give the very best answer that they possibly could on how to make money online without spending money, so they created a comprehensive step-by-step video course showing how to actually build an online business using 100% free tools.

2) This is 2.0 of the product – what’s the difference between the first NCIS course and NCIS 2.0?

They created NCIS 1.0 about two years ago. It basically covered one business model, which was affiliate marketing. NCIS 2.0 actually covers 5 business models: No Cost Product Launches, No Cost Freelancing, No Cost Video Marketing, No Cost List Building, and No Cost Affiliate Marketing.

It goes into a lot more options, more depth with 89 videos, and it is 100% up to date at this time, having been created in the past month.

3) Are there any bonuses included?

There are several valuable bonuses: I’m including some additional courses:

  • Videos about the various free Video Screencasting Tools available
  • Video tutorials about how to use free graphics editors

I’m also adding PDF’s of the Powerpoint presentations to each ‘No Cost Income Stream’ model. I may also create a video sales letter and split-test this against the written version.

Of course with 89 videos to watch there is a cost – your time – and time is money!  But if you are ‘time rich’ and cash poor’ this is an excellent option.

If you are cash rich then I would also recommend that you sign up for coaching – if that interests you feel free to contact me through my Contact page.  Whilst you may baulk at investing in coaching, ultimately, in my experience, it will save you both time and money.

Hopefully, selling these tutorials will add another income stream to my business as I build it into a ‘multiple streams of income’ model.  I probably need to create a low-cost or free squeeze page in front of this product and put this product on the back-end.

It’s not a ‘No Cost Income Stream’ but it is a low-cost income stream!

Carl Picot & Millionaire Copywriting Mastermind

This post is about Carl Picot and Millionaire Copywriting Mastermind, which is the product that he launched recently.  The reason I am covering this is that I helped Carl to set up his product.

Carl approached me to set up his membership site – both the theme and the the membership software were causing him problems so I worked with him to set up his product, ready for launch.

Prior to launching the product, he attended a marketing workshop in Manchester and said that ideally he wanted to distribute some leaflets advertising his launch at the event but he couldn’t do this because his printer had broken down.  This was a week before the event took place!

I therefore advised him to outsource the job and gave him a link.  He received his leaflets just before setting off for the event and distributed them at the event.

As it turned out, his product launch was a huge success with well over 600 front-end sales driven mainly by affiliates jumping on board.

Three factors are interesting about this:

  • Carl is very dis-organised and it is a miracle that he launched at all.  He was still changing the sales letter at the point of launch and his computer filing system is non-existent.  This was only his second launch.
  • He leveraged the skills of others by interviewing them – this method of product creation is somewhat old-hat but Carl proved that it can still work spectacularly well.
  • Carl has been to the point of bankruptcy in the recent past but kept moving forward to his goal despite all his difficulties and leveraged his online relationships to achieve eventual success.

Here is a snapshot of his site:

Millionaire Copywriting Mastermind

[boxibt style=”gray”]


Here is an unsolicited testimonial from Carl:



I find Carl Picot’s story and his success with Millionaire Copywriting Mastermind very inspiring and I am proud of the fact that I was able to help him before he achieved his success.

You may be interested in viewing this interview with Carl in which we discuss his journey to creating the Millionaire Copywriting Mastermind product – I think you will find it very interesting and inspiring with some great learning points:

For more information about Millionaire Copywriting Mastermind – Click Here

My Current Consulting Assignments

My current consulting assignments are moving ahead quite well now.

I have been working with Tsahai de Silva to help her to get her new product ‘Affiliate Income Boost’ ready for launch.

In yesterdays’s consultation on Skype we:

  • added a watermark into all of her videos
  • we created two new eCovers to replace the ones that she had received from, which were unbranded and uninteresting
  • we added two of my products into the ‘Resources’ section of the site
  • we set the product up on JVZoo
  • we configured Membersonic, her membership plugin, and integrated it with JVZoo

Tsahai de SilvaAfter our consultation, Tsahai was kind enough to say this:

[boxibt style=”success” bordercolor=”red”] “I have admired Mark’s work for sometime and I recently got the opportunity to work with him in a professional capacity. Mark’s knowledge and professionalism is exactly what you need in a consultant. He is patient and has a eye for detail that makes such a difference in the end product. His easy going style immediately puts you at ease and it was such a pleasure to work with him. My product rocks now thanks to Mark and I am eternally grateful. Cheers Mark!”[/boxibt]

Thank you Tsahai.

I also admire Tsahai because she is working on her internet marketing business part-time whilst looking after her young son and holding down a full-time job.  This is not easy to do but she is making good progress now and she is close to launching her first product so look out for ‘Affiliate Income Boost’.


My other client is Emma Breeze, who I featured in an earlier post.

In that post I revealed the first draft of her new website but neither of us was entirely happy with the results of my efforts but, in doing the first draft, she gave more some important clues as to what she wanted. (If you read between the lines on that post you will see that I was feeling frustrated!)

Then Emma dropped something into the conversation about her father’s website, that I had built a couple of years ago, which made me realise exactly what she was looking for.

Subsequent to this conversation, I was sitting in my chair at 9 p.m. watching TV when I had another inspirational moment that told me exactly what I needed to do to please her.   I immediately went to my computer and, by 1.30 a.m. in the morning, I had replaced the WordPress Theme and set up a new design.

I spent the rest of the following day on Photoshop working with the photographs of her clients and resubmitted my design to her.  This is what she said in the email reply:

Emma[boxibt style=”success” bordercolor=”red”] Its fantastic! I love it!
Great slider and feedback page!
Thank you for your time and patience!

This is exactly the encouragement I hoped and expected to receive.

Her site is still under construction and I will reveal it shortly because I think it might end up as being my best work yet as far as website design is concerned.

(By the way, I received the assignment on Wednesday, stared work at 4 p.m. and by close of business Friday had created two versions of the website prior to the comment above.)

I am hoping that this project will lead to other projects like it because I have enjoyed creating the images on this site which exactly illustrate what Emma’s business is all about.  They do say that ‘a picture paints a thousand words’ and in this case it is true.

It got me to thinking about how impersonal most websites are.  The true nature of the people and their business are hidden behind a façade that is impossible to penetrate.  This is why images and video have such a vital role to play in online marketing.

Of course, you need some courage to put yourself ‘out there’ but, if you do, I feel that you can differentiate your business and immediately begin to build a relationship with prospects and customers.

It is important to tear down the curtain and give direct access to the people involved in the business.  It is then much easier for the website visitor to decide whether or not to transact business.

So my current consulting assignment are moving ahead well and I’ll reveal the final results shortly!

Easy Web Page Graphics Released Today

I’ve released Easy Web Page Graphics today. I’ve been working on this for a while now and finally plucked up the energy to finish off the sales letter and get a payment button on the letter.

I love creating products but the act of writing the sales letter and putting it out onto the market is always difficult.

If you would like to find out how I create some of the nice branded graphics on my blog then this product could be for you.

To be honest it is not as good a product as I had hoped but, in the right hands, it could be life-changing.


Click It Please

Why do I say that?

Well, for me, the discovery of Photoshop Actions and Smart Objects has transformed my ability to create visual works of art. I love the aesthetic satisfaction of creating graphics and good-looking websites. It’s work I love to do.

The problem is that it is probably not the best way of making money online. I really need to focus more on marketing and traffic generation but my heart does not lie in that direction.

I console myself by the fact that design and packaging are important aspects of product and content creation. If I can just find a systemised way of creating traffic that only takes up a small part of the day then I could ‘eat the frog’ and then get on with what I really love to do.

Anyway, Easy Web Page Graphics fits into the framework of products that I am creating to coach anyone to success in internet marketing. I’m covering all the skills that I have had to learn along the way in order to do business online.

Now that Easy Web Page Graphics has been launched I will keep improving it over time as my own skills keep moving forward.

Solo Ads Assassin is all but finished, but my partner in this project, Daniel Madeira, has got distracted by his solo ads coaching business because he is raking in more money on this part of the business. I have therefore put a proposal to him to at least release this product and find out how it is received.

That will leave me with two outstanding projects – Email ATM and Business Creation Mastery. This latter project is under construction and will be my high-ticket coaching programme. Email-ATM will be created in conjunction with my next product.

Before I release Business Creation Mastery, I am creating a sales funnel product called Honey-Trap Funnels. This is a cloned sales funnel system teaching others on how to quickly create sales funnels.

This project was already on a mind-map when Jason Fladlien released his Reverse System which costs $500 to $700 – he sold 500 copies to gross around $250,000 recently.

I don’t have this product so I won’t be copying it but I guess my product will be a poor-man’s version. I do want to templatise my system as much as possible to make it an easy system to implement. I will be using this system myself to sell my own products as well as affiliate products I like and use.

I do think that Jason Fladlien & Wil Mattos are doing a great job of increasing prices in our niche – I won’t knock them for that. However, their products are now beyond my budget and I believe that I can produce a product that is equally easy to deploy.

Anyway, the release of Easy Web Page Graphics is another step forward on my journey – next month is my 5 year anniversary in internet marketing which I started on 9th April 2009 by joining my first training with An Sieg and Mike Klingler. A few months later I discovered WordPress and I have not looked back since.

My Membership Site Service

I have decided to offer a membership site service to build high-quality membership sites.

This can be for digital products or training portals for offline businesses who want to have bespoke training programmes for employees.

I am increasingly attracting internet marketers who want some help with the technical part of product creation.  I therefore figure that if I can offer a service whereby my customers can concentrate on product creation and I will handle the technical part of product delivery then this could be a useful service to offer. For many people this would cut down the time spent on product development considerably.

The purchase of Instatheme means that I will be working mainly with two themes – Instatheme and the Membersonic Theme.   Both of these have a huge variety of styling options as set out on this page.  Instatheme includes a built-in visual editor, so the styling of pages without coding skills is easy.

[features_box_light_blue width=”75%” + border=”1px”]By the way, you can learn a lot  about brandiing from Lester Lim and Suzanna Theresia who have created the ‘Insta’ suite of products.  They have created ‘Instabuilder’, ‘Instamember’ and ‘Instatheme’ – a highly recognisable brand which is built around the theme of ‘membership sites’.  This sort of focus really pays off – this is what they are reporting for the Instatheme launch – ‘we have hit 2,600+ sales and grossed $100K + in 48 hours – and we still got 5 solid days to go.'[/features_box_light_blue]

I also own a developers license for WP Courseware so I have the additional capability of turning training content into courses so that tutors can monitor the progress of their students.

From a recent product that I have bought, I have the ability to create a simple sales funnel incorporating a simple squeeze page and then a series of additional offers – these can be own products or affiliate products.  It’s as simple as ‘plug ‘n’ play’ and I am going to create a new training product around this concept to enable my students to create multiple themed sales funnels fast.

As I also own a developers licence for membership software, sales letter software, state-of-the-art video player and webinar registration software for Google Hangouts, these can optionally be added into the mix.

Part of my offering is my growing skill in creating stunning graphics – websites are a very visual medium and this is one way of differentiating my product quality.

Using one of the Instatheme templates, I have outlined my membership site service here.  I have not included pricing as each one will be bespoke according to the needs of the owner.

Consultation with Tsahai De Silva

Last Sunday, I had an online consultation with Tsahai de Silva who is based in Trinidad.

The purpose of the consultation was to build her membership site as she had created most of her content.

Tsahai had already outsourced her graphics and sales page and they both look great.

Using my developers licence for the Membersonic Theme, this is how the site now looks:

23-02-2014 14-04-24

I am really pleased with how this site has turned out.  As you can see, Tsahai is using a ‘pen’ name for this product – Robert Black – and the product is called Affiliate Income Boost.

I’ve added one of my products into the site as a Bonus, to help Tsahai to offer an awesome product.  As you can see we are delivering the videos using Easy Video Suite in a playlist and during the consultation we created a sexy video splash image.

In the course of my consultation, I showed Tsahai how to store and deliver products from Amazon S3 and how to create ecovers with Photoshop actions so it was quite a wide-ranging consultation.  I did have difficulty resizing the header image to fit the site but I got there in the end.

Tsahai is using the Membersonic membership plugin I recommend to secure her membership area.

I’ll let you know more about how my consultation with Tsahai de Silva works out in due course but it’s looking very good so far!

The #1 Skill for Online Success

What is the #1 skill for online success?

There are many skills required to be successful in internet marketing so it is difficult to pick just one.

Some of the skills required include:

  • building websites and web pages
  • list building
  • email marketing
  • creating sales funnels
  • copywriting
  • traffic generation
  • monitoring and testing
  • graphics
  • content creation

to name but a few!

However, in order to get rich online, you can have all those skills but there is one core skill that you need above all others in order to be rich.  Most of the skills above can be outsourced fairly easily but there is one aspect that really differentiates the successful online marketer above all others, I believe.

You can find out what I believe is the #1 skill for online success (and why) if you optin here.

Clients Sites Review

I thought that I would carry out a short clients sites review to showcase some of my work.

It is interesting for me to reflect on my previous work and, ironically, building clients sites is not my core business!

I spend most of my time creating my own digital products and these are projects that have simply come my way through word-of-mouth.

Here are a selection of Clients Sites that I have recently worked on (in addition to building my own digital products):

Homestay-In Website

This site has been set up to advertise Homestays around the world.  It is based upon the Classipress Theme which is a bit involved to set up.  Initially the owner is offering free advertising but it also has the capability of offering paid advertising.  Entry to the site is through a squeeze page.  Just needs some more listings in order to take off.

Business Gardens Website New

This is a small offline business offering landscaping services to businesses in the Thames Valley Area.  It has a walk on video on the home page, a gallery and a video promo.  This was built to a budget but the owner seems very pleased with it.  You can view it at

SPTS Website

Simple Pinterest Traffic Systems is a membership site product.  The site infrastructure was created in about one hour including installation of WordPress, deployment of the membership script and page creation and site configuration.  The owner of the site is also using my developers license of Easy Video Suite so that his video tutorials literally roll onto the page!

WUTH Website v2

Wake Up To Health is a health-related website that is literally groaning with features including:

  • Blog
  • Ecommerce shop
  • Members Area
  • Podcasting software
  • High-end video player
  • Live and automated webinars streamed direct from the site
  • It is mobile responsive
  • A marketing power-house – it is still under construction at the time of writing.  The owner is now adding content.

Jumpstart4Youth site

Jumpstart4Youth is a charity website that is built on a premium theme.  I struggled with poor quality graphics but overall it is a vast improvement on their previous site.  It has a wizzy slider on the front page. This organisation does great community work in the Coventry area.

Embody website

I met Emma Breeze through Rotary – got her started with her new website Embody Dance (built on the Thesis theme) and her business has gone from zero to being a huge success.  She runs dance classes in the Nuneaton area.  Just shows what youthful energy and drive can achieve.  Very proud of her.  I support her but she is creating most of the content herself now.

When I look at these sites, they are pretty diverse in nature but that’s what makes life interesting.  However, I would probably make more money by specialising in a niche.

Overall I prefer to create my own websites for my own products because I find interruptions from clients with trivial queries often disrupts my workflow but I’m afraid that goes with the territory!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this clients sites review!