Why Brexit Happened

Why Did Brexit Happen?This article covers why Brexit happened i.e. the UK voted to leave the European Union on 23rd June 2016.

This was a seismic event for the UK establishment and the bureaucrats in Brussels who never contemplated that this could happen.  However, I thought that it probably would happen as set out in this article that pre-dates the referendum vote.

There are many reasons put forward for people making the decision to vote Leave:

  • the undemocratic nature of the EU
  • the sheer weight and cost of regulations that flow from the EU
  • the amount of money we pay into the EU
  • no control over our borders and immigration
  • the loss of national identity and sovereignty

Underlying all these reasons for discontent are these incredible facts:

Between 2007 and 2015 average real wages in Europe have only increased by 4 or 5% over this 8 year period.  However, two countries stand out as having a real wage DECREASE in the same period – Greece and the UK.  Greece is hardly surprising but the UK may be more so as in real terms wages have dropped by 10% in the UK.  

This means that the spending power of the average citizen in the UK has been severely squeezed whilst the richer top 1% of citizens (mainly based in London) have continued to thrive.

On top of this, the Governments austerity measures and the continuing high rate of immigration, have seen a squeeze on public services – roads, hospitals, schools, care services etc are all operating at capacity and in some cases are failing.

This means that the quality of life for the average citizen in the UK has taken an enormous reduction over the last 10 years.  No wonder there is a growing discontent with the status quo in the UK!

For this reason, I think the only way out of this poverty trap is to take matters into our own hands.

One way is for workers to create worker cooperatives rather than work for a boss.  If you want to see a very good example of a worker cooperative, take a look at Mondragon Corporation in Spain. (The John Lewis Partnership is an example of a worker cooperative in the UK although it is really a hybrid of a traditional business and a cooperative.)

The other way is to set up your own small business that transcends local markets.  I am of course talking about setting up an online business.  You can sell goods and services in any English speaking country in the world from your low-cost home-based business.

Why Brexit happened is not a surprise when you look at the facts of every day life – the question is, what are you going to do about it?  You could join my list and break the strangle-hold that having a job has on your income prospects.

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