I’ve just purchased a course called Webinar Alchemy by Glen Kirkham. It is a high-ticket course but the webinar was presented so well that I wanted to learn how to do it myself.
As you will know from previous posts, I am sniffing around Google Hangouts. In fact, I am creating a product called ‘Hangout Cash Code’ with Chris Cole:
As at the time of writing, the membership site is ready to receive content and we have the content all set-out on a mind map. The product will be completed by the end of May with a view to launching the product in June.
So I purchased access to Webinar Alchemy to learn how to structure webinar presentations properly. I also have Jason Fladlian’s product – Webinar Legend. So there is nothing to stop me implementing Webinars – I have the technology and the strategy. I just need to take action.
The technology I intend to use is:
- Google Hangouts on air
- Webinar Ignition facilitating the registration process and live streaming from my website
- I also have Evergreen Business Systems to convert my webinars to automated evergreen webinars (although I believe that you can do this with Webinar Ingnition too.)
So why do I badly want to crush it with webinars – well apart from Live speaking events, they are the highest-converting method for promoting my products and services. I want to become a ninja presenter so I can help more people to grow an online business.
On the front end of my funnel, I have 4 free reports:
(Referring to Whiteboard Presentations, I bought VideoMakerFX this week that enables me to create awesome whiteboard presentations plus a wide variety of awesome video formats.)
As you can see this ‘Webinar Alchemy’ of products and training is developing into a perfect storm – look out for my webinars coming shortly!