Internet Marketing: What Tools Do I Need to Get To $5k Per Month

Internet Marketing ToolsIf you are starting out in internet marketing, you may be asking ‘what tools do I need to get to $5k per month’.

The problem with this question is that just about every marketer will give you a different reply to this question, particularly if they are trying to make money out of you by selling their own product or even someone else’s product or service.

It was refreshing therefore to receive an email from Sean Mize that sets this out clearly and simply (and truthfully)!

It’s sad, really.

And it’s not their fault.

One guru after another has told them, you need this $20 a month tool.

Another says you need this $40 a month tool.

All the way until they are spending $300 A MONTH on tools . . . .

And not making $100 a month, if that.

I talk to several folks a week in that boat.

It’s not their fault.

They’ve been told they need them.

Want to know the tools I personally used to get to $13k a month in one year?

Here goes.

Prepare to be disappointed.

1) a squeeze page

2) a way to make sales pages

3) an email autoresponder

4) good old word docs

That’s it.

$13k a month.

No bells.

No whistles.

That’s right.

ALL you need to get to $5k – or $13k a month


  • a way to make squeeze pages
  • a way to make sales pages
  • a way to make download pages (to deliver)
  • and an email autoresponder
  • a word processor

And here’s a secret – you don’t even need a website to have squeeze pages and salespages and download pages.

Just some service that allows you to create them.

You could use mine . . preneurpages

or any other one that does the same thing

and you need an email autoresponder . . I started with aweber and still have my account

That’s it folks.

If you have $300 in tools and no revenue . . .

please, something’s wrong.

How would it feel if you only had $20 a month in expenses . . .

would that make it easier for you (and your wife) to relax

and just focus on selling something

instead of worrying about how to make $300 a month in payments one more time?

Do something!

In this email Sean is promoting his page builder ‘Preneurpages’ but there are plenty of page builders that you can use.  Here are 5 other page builders you might consider (- I own all but the last one listed):

  • Thrive Content Builder plugin by Shaun Melaugh – this is my favourite from a design perspective and is constantly being improved
  • WP Profit Builder by Keith Dougherty – some good page templates within this plugin
  • Convertri – this is a hosted service – provides a very fast loading platform for landing pages and an infinitely customizable page builder.  There are only a limited amount of page templates unless you buy a monthly subscription to their Pro service but if you are happy to design your own pages, is a good option.
  • For a cheap but good page builder, you could try Instabuider 2.0 that you can have installed on your WordPress site for $5 through
  • is another page builder that has just been launched as I write this article.

These page builders are a great way of developing landing page templates as part of your system for selling and promoting products and services.  They are useless unless you have something to promote, a method of driving traffic to them and a method for monitoring your results.

However, in answering the question ‘What tools do I need to get to $5k per month’ Sean is exactly right and, if you do not already have a page builder system, his page template system ‘PreneurPages’ is worthy of consideration as he will be sharing his own sales page templates that are proven to work.


Here’s What Internet Marketing REALLY Is

woman-912367_1920-Hand-Drawnx1I started internet marketing full-time in April 2009 but it has always been difficult to explain to others what internet marketing really is.  I’ve struggled to come up with a simple explanation but I recently had a moment of epiphany.

I was watching the introduction to one of Eban Pagan’s courses and he suddenly asked the audience if they new what internet marketing was?  He answered his own question… internet marketing is online advertising.

This blog post for example is advertising – it has been written to attract eyeballs and to persuade you to take action i.e. sign up to my list, buy a product or simply keep in touch until one of these events happens.  This is advertising.

Creating videos and audios, or indeed any content, is advertising.  That means that if you are doing any sort of internet marketing it means that you are in the advertising game and you need to study the rules of advertising.

This means crafting headlines that attract attention, structuring your content to lead to a desired outcome and asking for ‘the click’ within your content.  It means that gathering data such as # of views, # of clicks, heat maps, conversion rates and so on is vital to success.

It means that understanding sales psychology – things like scarcity tactics, trust builders such as social proof, authority building, reciprocation etc – is important to include in your content and sales letters.

Sometimes, when we are creating content, we can lose sight of the ultimate purpose of creating the content in the first place.  If you can remember that you are in the game of advertising it will help you to create content that converts.

It will also help you to choose which skills you need to improve in order to get better at internet marketing i.e. advertising skills.

Advertising – this is what internet marketing really is.

The Next Thing To Do

Sean MizeIn internet marketing you often find yourself thinking about the next thing to do.

This is a transcript of an email that I received from one of the most productive internet marketers I know – Sean Mize.

This is how it starts…

I’m gonna share a concept I use in my business to get me more results, and I’ve used iterations of it for years, and it’s one of the key things to which I can attribute my aggressive production (whether it was 25,000 articles on ezine articles, testing ~ $30,000 of solo ads, or running well over 100 wsos) and I use it today to increase my productivity.

And that’s the “what’s the next thing I need to do?” principle.

It works like this:

I know what my yearly goal is, and I know what my next big goal is (they are sometimes the same, sometimes not)

So since I know my goal, and I know the current state of my business, I also know there are a number of things that need to be done to achieve that goal.

But that’s where I think most folks get derailed (is that where you get derailed)? So much to do, so you do . . . nothing on the path to getting where you want to go? I digress 🙂

But instead I ask the question, what is the NEXT thing I need to do to achieve my goal?

For example, if my goal is 100 subs a day, and I’m at 10, what is the NEXT thing I need to do?  Is it create another traffic instance? Is it add a new squeeze page version into my testing rotation? Is it to write another article? Record another video? What is my NEXT thing that I need to do?

Here’s another example: if I am creating a 10 hour training program, and I need:

  • an outline
  • record for 10 hours
  • write a sales letter
  • write 5 sales emails
  • create a download page
  • put the routing into infusionsoft

That can be overwhelming and if I just put it on my “to do” list with everything else, everything else gets done, but nothing on this.

But what if I wake up everyday and just ask, what is the NEXT thing to do?

Day 1 I write the outline

Day 2 I record one of 10 hours

Day 3 I record one of 10 hours

…and so on.

In a finite period of time my task is done.

The problem is, when you look at it this way, you might think, but this will take so LONG.

Maybe 30 days.

But in reality, trying to do it all at once isn’t working for you, is it?

I doubt it (you do too, think back on the last month, did you accomplish what you set out to do?)

So . . . what is the NEXT thing you need to do to get to your goal?