It’s important to have a system or routine when building your list.
That’s why I’m sharing mine – it may just help you.
Step #1 –
I start my day by checking my stats for the previous day. I can get immediate feedback on number of clicks, optins and sales through my link tracker.
This is important because it MOTIVATES me to take further action, and that action is influenced by what is working best for me already. (Try to avoid taking any action that you can’t measure – measuring the results of your actions is critically important to your success – you must, must, must find a way to do it!)
Step #2 –
I open up my auto-responder and create my daily follow-up and broadcast emails. Sending value and promoting products is how my business makes money so I need to do this and get good at it. (I track all the links I put in my emails so I can see what is working – see Step #1 above.)
One of the most helpful products on email marketing is Lee Murray’s Email Slick – it pays to invest time in getting good at email marketing.
Step #3 –
I make sure that I implement AT LEAST one traffic strategy each day.
In truth this is where you need to spend 80 to 90% of your time if you want to build your list quickly.
Again track all your links to see which traffic sources work best.
Step #4 –
Research affiliate offers and apply for affiliate links. (If you are are PRO member of List Spark (see below), the research part has been carried out for you.)
You need to do this in advance to ensure that you have offers to put into your daily emails to your list (- it may take time to get approved as an affiliate for some products so you need to plan out your promotions schedule in advance.)
Step #5 –
Ideally you should be creating your own products/content to offer to your list – these can be free or paid offers or a combo of the two.
Preferably your products need to be part of an extended sales funnel but it quite OK to build your sales funnel over time i.e. get your squeeze page converting and then add an upsell and a downsell and then later add another offer on if those are converting.
One of my biggest mistakes in the past was trying to create products that were too big, and therefore difficult, to make and consume. I advise creating products that can be consumed in one hour or less i.e. concentrate on quality rather than quantity.
Step #6 –
If you rinse and repeat this 6-step process daily, I don’t think that you will go too far wrong
This daily list building routine may seem too simple to you but I promise that if you can execute this simple SYSTEM with focus, you will be doing a lot better than 95% of the IMers out there!
If you need help implementing this, then my top suggestion is to join the FREE viral list building system called List Spark. Most of the work involved in setting up squeeze pages, sales funnels, researching offers and link tracking is done for you and you get video training on how to drive traffic too.
I will also support you with my follow-up email sequence where I reveal some more traffic tactics.
List Spark is where you can put the above daily list building routine to great use and I recommend it highly because it is working like gang-busters for me.