Mark Salmon – Photo Artist

I have just put the finishing touches to Mark Salmon Photo Artist. This is a website that showcases my expertise with Photoshop and my passion for creating works of art from quite ordinary photographs.

This website is fully responsive so it looks equally as good on a smart phone as it does on a desktop computer!

The interesting thing about many of my personal photographs is that they are taken on a rather ancient Casio Exilim, about the size of a credit card. I slip this into my top pocket whenever I go out and snap what I encounter. I then return to my computer and endeavour to stylise these photographs by improving them in a number of ways.

I justify the time by the fact that websites are very visual by their very nature and skilful use of graphics is a definite advantage when creating marketing media.

I am looking for other ways in which I can monetise this skill because I would be delighted to be able to make a full-time income from this passion of mine.

I have always been interested in art and the many pictures on the walls of my home testify to this fact. At one time I was even importing oil paintings from China!

If you would like to acquire Photoshop skills then you can do no better than invest in my training product Easy Web Page Graphics.

Please let me know what you think about my images at Mark Salmon – Photo Artist!


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