How To Create An Irresistible Offer

Create An Irresistible Offer

In order to create an irresistible offer you first have to understand the true value of what you are offering.

It’s NOT the e-book, audio video or even coaching or any of the products or services that you have to offer!

The core value is how what you offer will change the life of your customer i.e. what transformations in their life can they expect from investing in your product or service?

Realising your core value may arise from experience of how you have already changed someone’s life or, if you are still awaiting for success, think about what you can do to change the life of your ideal client.

Alternatively, use yourself as an avatar – what have you learnt from your journey so far that would provide a massive short-cut for someone else like you?

With this in mind, answer the following 3 questions:

  1. What pressing PROBLEMs did/can they hire you to solve?
  2. What RESULTs did/can they get from working with you? (Aim for a long list so go deep with this including how it affected their wider life.)
  3. What would the COST be to them if they did not work with you? (This is a key area so don’t ignore this aspect of your offer!)

You really need to go deep on these questions so that you have a full perspective on why it is an incredible opportunity for them to invest in what you are offering.

At the end of this exercise you should have one core problem that you will solve and then a whole load of results or cost savings that will flow from resolving that problem.

Try to be specific about the outcomes they get – if you could be with them for a day how would it change their life in very specific ways?  Would they be eager to turn on the computer to see their sales stats? Would they look have a systemised way of working?  Would they be ultra productive and focused?   Could they systematically grow their revenues?

If you want to understand their problems, you could look at the opposite scenarios

  • they are not monitoring their stats at all?
  • They are not working a system but are working randomly.
  • They are unproductive and easily distracted.
  • They have no method for consistently growing revenues.
  • etc etc

When you have completed this exercise, you need to step back and ask yourself if your market will invest heavily to solve the core problem you have identified that you can solve?

Our basic core needs usually relate to money,  health and relationships, so hopefully your core offer will relate to one of these areas.

You need to make a bold claim to help someone with a problem in one of these areas.

Once you have identified the core area that you can help your customers with, run it through this 4 point test:

  1. Is there a clear perfect client? Is there a clear person or avatar in mind that this is for?
  2. Is there a clear problem that needs urgently addressing?
  3. How important will those people, that you’re supporting, rank solving this problem? On a scale of 1-10, how important is it to them?
  4. Do the people within your niche have a history of investing in products and services of a similar nature?

Hot topic areas within the wealth or make money online niche:

  • Women or men entrepreneurs who want to increase their income and achieve more success.  e.g. older people who want to boost their retirement income.
  • Newbies who want to increase their income and achieve more success.
  • Information, training and sales skills within a specific industry like, say, accountants or chiropractors.
  • Help those who want to leave their job to live their passion and make the transition from employed to solo business owner.
  • How to create a successful business in 20-30 hours / week (work part time & experience success)
  • Sell information products and books online.
  • How to get targeted traffic to your offers.
  • How to convert traffic into leads and sales.
  • How to create a passive income
  • How to create a big, responsive email list or a list of buyers.

In the UK, in my lifetime, I perceive that there has been a significant general deterioration in job conditions:

  • There is a lot more competition for jobs due to high immigration.
  • There are lot more part-time jobs with zero-hour contract-type conditions which means that many people have a portfolio of low-paid jobs in order to make ends meet.
  • Employers have diluted many work conditions like pay rates, pensions and benefits.
  • There is increased job churn so employees have reduced job securityi.e. the everage time ihn a job is 2 years or lower where it used to be measured in decades.

I therefore believe that entrepreneurship and the desire of people to take control of their life by starting and running their own micro-business is a mega-trend that is set to continue.  This will fuel a huge demand for anyone that can solve the problems outlined above.

The Top 10 REAL Reasons Why People Buy:

1. To make money

2. Save money

3. Save time

4. Avoid effort

5. Get more comfort

6. Achieve greater cleanliness

7. Attain fuller health

8. Escape physical pain

9. Gain praise

10. Be popular

Here are 4 common problems that they want you to solve:

  1. How to get started
  2. The step-by-step path for achieving a result
  3. How to get to the next level
  4. How to perform a SPECIFIC skill

If you can address these types of problem then it will not be too difficult to create an irresistible offer for which you can demand a high fee in return!


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