This Question Could Make You Millions

Ask this questionThis question could make you millions – I pinched this from a thread on the Warrior Forum.

If you let it… trying to make money online can be confusing.

Okay, that’s too mild.

If you don’t have a solid plan, it can drive you F**KING nuts!

Believe me, been there, done that, bought the Teespring t-shirt.

So, after 17 years online and multiple millions sold of my own
stuff, and for clients… I try to keep things simple as can be.


Cause simple gets implemented. Simple gets you to take action.

Simple means you can test and track. Simple means you can make
fast changes and see how it turns out.

Simple is just, well, simpler when it comes to making money online.

And the ONE simple question that I ask myself, every single day
I’m online… and it’s probably helped me more than anything else
I’ve done?

“How can I add value to the MOST amount of people today”.

That’s it.

When I break down everything I do, each and every day,
my mission is pretty much the same.

“How can I help the greatest amount of people”.

When you ask yourself THAT one question… when you
use THAT as your “guiding light” or “North star”…

It makes it easier to decide what you need to do, if you want
to make the most money.

Now, I will say this is a pretty general statement. I get it.

And honestly, it doesn’t work each and every time.

For example, if you offer high ticket coaching, then maybe
your goal ISN’T to help the most people.

Maybe you just need to help a handful… and when you do,
you make a lot of money.

But, you still have to add a lot of value to those people.

The 2 biggest keys to making it online?

Value and scale.

Work on getting those 2 things handled, and you’ll
make a killing.

Not sure what to use for traffic?

Which source will allow you to reach the most people
with your message?

What do you offer for a lead magnet?

Again, what can you give away, to the most people,
that will help them and add value to their lives?

What can you offer, for a product or service, that
will help people solve a problem, reach a desire, or
get what they want.

That one question…

“How can I add value to the MOST people” is
responsible for creating more millionaires and
billionaires than any other.

Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook…

You name it, there’s a good chance they
add value to a lot of people at once.

Movie stars, rock stars, athletes…

ALL add value to a lot of people at once.

So if you ever find yourself stuck online, and
you’re not sure what to do… maybe asking yourself
that same question I ask myself each day…

“how can I add value to the most people today”…

That may make it a little easier to determine what
you need to do in order to get your online business
where you want it…

Answering this question may yield more than one idea.  The additional tip I want to add to this article is… don’t be tempted to do more than one thing at a time.

It is a proven fact that multi-tasking does not work – particularly for men!!  Prioritise your actions and just do one thing at a time until you have completed the task and then move onto the next task.

The next tip I have is that it is easy to live your life thinking about past events or dreaming about the future.  However, the only reality is the present moment.

If you can work in the moment (sometimes described as ‘being in the flow’), totally absorbed by your current activity, this is the source of ultimate creativity.  You can tap into subconscious knowledge that you probably never knew you had.

We are all capable of adding value to someone else’s life.  We all know things that other people would like to know.  We all have skills that might help someone else.  We all have thoughts that could turn someone else’s life around – even if you are just promoting someone else’s content that you found helpful (as I am doing in this article).

I would also add that when ‘adding value’, don’t just think about quantity.  I sometimes find that big products that take a lot of time to consume are unhelpful to me as I get distracted and move on before I can consume the whole thing.  I would much prefer a shorter, high quality piece of content or training that has been boiled down to the essentials that I can consume in one sitting!

Sometimes simplifying someone else’s training would be a great way to add value or perhaps converting it into a different format or media e.g. text to video or vice versa.

Do you think asking yourself this question could make you millions?  The only way to know is to try it out!

Email – The Entire Marketing Strategy

marketing strategyI received an email from Tony Shepherd (one of my favourite marketers to follow) – it was entitled ‘The Entire Marketing Strategy’.  What a great subject line – it is difficult not to open an email with that subject line.  This is what he said:

Did you know that the term ‘Hooker’ for a lady of the night actually originated with US Civil War General Joseph Hooker, who brought working girls along on military campaigns for his men.

Or that during the Great Depression people were so broke they often made clothes out of potato sacks and seeing this, the potato distributors made their sacks more colourful to help people remain at least somewhat fashionable.

Why am I telling you this?

Because it’s daft content like this that sets my open rates among some of the best of any other marketers I know.

It might not be relevant to online business although it often is.

But it’s engaging.

And if you keep your readers engaged and then follow up with relevant IM content you’ll make thousands of dollars a month.

Whoops – just gave away my entire marketing strategy 🙂

I think this is why he is just a handful of marketers whose emails I open – they are always entertaining to read and laced with great marketing advice.

The other reason that Tony is so successful is that he is very down-to-earth and authentic in the way he writes and I instinctively like people like that.

This is his entire marketing strategy and it seems to work – perhaps it might for you too?  (Did the picture of the naked lady make you open this article?)

62 Video Training Products

Video Training Products

Here’s a list of 62 video training products that I am in the course of setting up.  I have set up 40 products so far so I have 22 still to go!

Each product includes between 7 and 11 training videos and some of them include audio, Powerpoint slides, transcriptions and more.

What I Will Do With These Video Training Products

  • Sell each product individually
  • Bundle related products together into unique packages
  • Put them into the back-end of my sales funnels
  • Offer a monthly recurring membership with one training drip-fed each week
  • Offer as a bonus on affiliate promotions
  • Add these trainings into my coaching programme
  • Pick and mix training bundles

As you can see these video training products are all related to the internet marketing niche, including some covering services to offline businesses (- click on the image to enlarge it): Product List


You can purchase access to these 62 video training products either individually or collectively at