Why Comfort Will Ruin Your Life

comfort will ruin life

I really like this TED talk entitled ‘Why comfort will ruin your life‘.

In internet marketing it is easy to stay in your comfort zone and this will limit your growth.  Let me give you an example.

It is uncomfortable to buy traffic because initially the outcome is not within your control – you will not know how your landing page will convert and how much you will make in sales in order to cover the cost of traffic.

That uncertainty may stop you from taking a risk and it is in that moment that you stop growing.

This TED talk illustrates the dilemma exactly and why we have to make the choice to choose ‘complexity’ rather than ‘order’.

Of course, eventually you will once again create order out of complexity as you get more skilled with your chosen traffic source and to grow again you willl once again need to choose complexity over order.

In short, growing a business is about taking risks.  It’s about being willing to fail and ‘begin again more intelligently’.

If you are stuck with your business, perhaps you have stopped taking risks that are a necessary part of success.

Hopefully this fully explains why comfort will ruin your life!  (That being said, I doubt that my dog – pictured here – would agree with this statement!!!)

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