The Only Source of Knowledge

The only source of knowledge is experience. Albert Einstein.

If you are stuck in perpetual learning mode, like I was for a long time when I started internet marketing, then you might like to read that quotation again to realise the fundamental truth of that statement.

This means that you cannot gain ‘knowledge’ by reading a book, listening to an audio or watching a video.  To gain true knowledge you need to translate what you learn into action to garner the knowledge.

Yes, we can learn from other people’s experience but true ‘knowledge’ is always found when you take action.  This is when you find the real truth – often it was not what we thought it would be.

Perhaps when you initially started internet marketing you thought that you could simply sit on your computer, push a few buttons and the passive income would flow in.  As consequence of this lie you were told, you went on a prolonged search for the perfect system.

The reality can only be found by taking action with the information you learn along the way.  What works  for one person does not always work for another – there may be some nuance that you are missing or some factor that changes an expected outcome. Knowledge can only be obtained by taking action and monitoring the result.

The only source of knowledge is experience – everything else is hearsay and conjecture.

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