Email – The Entire Marketing Strategy

marketing strategyI received an email from Tony Shepherd (one of my favourite marketers to follow) – it was entitled ‘The Entire Marketing Strategy’.  What a great subject line – it is difficult not to open an email with that subject line.  This is what he said:

Did you know that the term ‘Hooker’ for a lady of the night actually originated with US Civil War General Joseph Hooker, who brought working girls along on military campaigns for his men.

Or that during the Great Depression people were so broke they often made clothes out of potato sacks and seeing this, the potato distributors made their sacks more colourful to help people remain at least somewhat fashionable.

Why am I telling you this?

Because it’s daft content like this that sets my open rates among some of the best of any other marketers I know.

It might not be relevant to online business although it often is.

But it’s engaging.

And if you keep your readers engaged and then follow up with relevant IM content you’ll make thousands of dollars a month.

Whoops – just gave away my entire marketing strategy 🙂

I think this is why he is just a handful of marketers whose emails I open – they are always entertaining to read and laced with great marketing advice.

The other reason that Tony is so successful is that he is very down-to-earth and authentic in the way he writes and I instinctively like people like that.

This is his entire marketing strategy and it seems to work – perhaps it might for you too?  (Did the picture of the naked lady make you open this article?)

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